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  • »banality« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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24.01.2011, 23:53

4 Simple suggestions for much better Escaria.

1) Make tearing down cost no time. This would help those who do not really know well how to play immensely, while not really helping those that already know well how to play. This would greatly decrease difference between good and bad players.

2) Create "honey pots" in center of ocean for high level players. Let them spawn, and once a player stays by it for 24 hours, they can claim it. This way high level players have an incentive to stay in middle of map and fight over them. What would be in them? Anything valuable! (tiles, ships, resources, pearls, etc.) Once claimed, have new locations spawn.

3) In lower level areas, limit attacks which actually claim tiles, to once per 24 hours or something like that. In highest level areas, let the attacks be unlimited. But everywhere allow only maximum of 4 to 6 tiles to be looted from anyone per 24 hours, so that abuses cannot occur. (see 4 below)

4) Find a way to stop experienced players from creating shadow accounts which have only purpose to make island and send to high level areas to be looted for resources and tiles. I have witnessed the experienced guilds doing this and it is disgusting bending of rules.
Perhaps create lines on map that cannot be crossed without having certain requirement of ships, or perhaps some other requirement. Another way to stop it might be to cancel any account that does not contest a certain size battle in their appropriate area every few days, so you must find and contest with enemies. Then these shadow accounts might be closed sooner.

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Anon y mous


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24.01.2011, 23:59

Report shadow accounts.
Niflheim auf Asgard, das Original, egal wie sehr Consus im Forum gerne ich wäre. :D

- Escaria, wo Preiserhöhungen nun auch schon Bugs sind.

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25.01.2011, 00:38

Once, one player in my guild was discussing about creating a shadow account as you're saying, and an experienced German player in my guild told us that the system has an automatic review of IP handling an island, and the IP of other islands that attack it, so they get the shadow account by identifying IPs that loot or share resources between island.

Meaning, if you want to have a ghost account, you will need a second IP to be safe from the system checks.

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Anon y mous


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25.01.2011, 02:03

Don't believe everything you are being told by strangers.
Niflheim auf Asgard, das Original, egal wie sehr Consus im Forum gerne ich wäre. :D

- Escaria, wo Preiserhöhungen nun auch schon Bugs sind.

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  • »banality« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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25.01.2011, 10:04

I understand it is difficult to prove, but this is exactly what I saw:

A bit over a month into game there was a large group of players, (all in one guild) massed in the middle of the map. Among them was one single player who was not of their guild. Members of the guild regularly got the skull from attacking and since there was only one island there, it must have been him over and over they attacked. No other guild or players were even remotely nearby.

What made this puzzling was that the player who was being attacked stayed there week after week, never moving, but somehow never got removed from the game, even though it was clear he was just feeding them.

In all fairness, I have found players who quit paying attention for a day, and I fed on them for about a whole day, but I never had it go on week after week. It is the large amount of time that went by that was puzzling, and suspicious. Was someone logging in just enough and doing enough commands to keep the island from being considered abandoned and being removed from game? Also this was so early in game no one yet had island breakers, so really the player just produced resources.

Does the IP checker described check to see if not just one player , but many players of one guild are benefitting? Or does it only spot abuse when it is One Island (by itself) feeding another One Island (by itself)?

Perhaps it really was all innocent, and it just looked worse than it was. But perhaps abandoned islands need to be removed faster, or put into some kind of limbo faster, so no one benefits too much, until that person can log back in.

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25.01.2011, 12:35

I will give good examples of what you're saying.

Vietnam, parto of A_8, left his guild, and left the game, his island was ther for 2 weeks, same with happened with VIENNA. Right now, Chester, who was part of SF, left the game about a week and a half ago, and his island is still there, where there are many people feeding on him.

Also, some people leave the game, but do not abandon the island, and this makes the island to be there for a really long time. A good example is Heli or the guy close to him. They were level 7 since I was in that area, and now, I'm level 33

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Anon y mous


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25.01.2011, 13:16

What I mean is, afaik there is no auto IP check system that auto bans or w/e. Report them.
Niflheim auf Asgard, das Original, egal wie sehr Consus im Forum gerne ich wäre. :D

- Escaria, wo Preiserhöhungen nun auch schon Bugs sind.

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25.01.2011, 14:15

Anon y mous is right, please report these kind of accounts to me, i will check them!
Computer says noooooo

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  • »banality« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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25.01.2011, 18:49

What I mean is, afaik there is no auto IP check system that auto bans or w/e. Report them.

Thank you, I now understand the real meaning of what you said.

Es haben sich bereits 4 Gäste bedankt.

Anon y mous


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25.01.2011, 19:10

Soz, I sometimes lack the enthusiasm to properly express myself. :)
Niflheim auf Asgard, das Original, egal wie sehr Consus im Forum gerne ich wäre. :D

- Escaria, wo Preiserhöhungen nun auch schon Bugs sind.

Es haben sich bereits 4 Gäste bedankt.

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