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Suchergebnisse 1-29 von insgesamt 29.

09.04.2011, 02:29

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Just Lost 6000 Pollaccas????

I have still not received any word on this...can someone please contact me about what happened to my troops?

01.04.2011, 16:40

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Lack of...

I know in the german servers there are many players... in the English speaking server (hel)...there is no one.. I understand the game is doing fine for german though in english quite slow... Barely anyone to attack, GER and F and TopRaiders and HEls Angels and a8 are the only alliances existent...everything else is just...desolete/not even active... I think the game needs something added in to keep players from leaving...a game similar to this I won't mention which has t...

31.03.2011, 15:46

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Just Lost 6000 Pollaccas????

Yep got bug is fixed now...for my troops I will message them. A shame to see you and TNO quit the Hel was nice having you there nobody.

30.03.2011, 16:00

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«


I'm using mozilla firefox... I type what I want to write in the message part of the chat ingame but it doesn't let me enter it... I press enter...nothing happens...I hit the x button on the right nothing happens... I also tried it on my other computer which has firefox and google doesn't work on both of them...?

30.03.2011, 15:55

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Just Lost 6000 Pollaccas????

This is really confusing.... I usually send my troops over for an expedition for a couple of days Well I sent 7k pollaccas or near that, in one of the expeditions... today I receive " Your scout ships returned Found treasures 137 x Iron Returned ships 1007 x Polacca (0 lost)" HOW IN THE WORLD DID I JUST LOSE 6 THOUSAND POLLACCAS? Can someone please help me? Also...when I am ingame, I can't use the chat feature...on the bottom left hand worked yesterday but it doesn't work now...? Cou...

02.02.2011, 14:00

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«


In my opinion, Vice Leader, does not make sounds weird doesn't it? I say, stay with manager...if the only other option is Vice Leader.

08.01.2011, 23:17

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Doubt about area of influence of an island, and fortified tiles.

Then I would venture to say, since you can't fortify outside of it, if you do take away influence fortification stops on those tiles, at least, if I were them the devs, that is what I would do, since I can't fortify outside of influence.

07.01.2011, 17:43

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Peace requests

I'd be nice to see if people want to wage war with my alliance without having to go to googe translate hehe. Sorry I don't speak german very well.

07.01.2011, 17:41

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Doubt about area of influence of an island, and fortified tiles.

To my understanding, fortification tiles work like mountain tiles. You can build it outside of the area of influence, and it doesn't matter..because it does not go away. But then, don't take my word for to check with some of the staff....try building it outside your area of influence, if it works, than what I said would be correct, if you cannot build outside area of influence...than I would suggest you not to move that townhall building

17.12.2010, 17:34

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Alliance Reports Function- Suggestion

The watchtower idea is actually pretty good, lets hope some of our suggestions are made.

05.12.2010, 21:50

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Persistent Server?

So a server never ends....since I play Hel, I can play on hel on the same account of mine for the rest of my life as long as escaria is still a running game? NICE!

20.10.2010, 11:40

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Island Breakers

Your post has helped me a lot, thank you for the information.

20.10.2010, 01:41

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Island Breakers

I needed some more information on island breakers... How does it choose which tile it takes?... Also what are some tactics people use to be safe from them?

19.10.2010, 23:11

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Alliance Reports Function- Suggestion

I have played a number of similar games but this is by far the best. I thought it would be wise to suggest a feature or two that would make the game more pleasurable and better to play. I have found that there is absolutely no way to know if a player is online or not, maybe some of the players don't even know how to use guild chat. With that said, if a player is in an alliance/guild, I suggest that the alliance members are able to see that they are online, or offline. Maybe when you go to the al...

19.10.2010, 22:56

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Allies Under Attack/ Online

I understand, I guess thats what I am going to suggest in the forums Thanks for your help.

19.10.2010, 20:52

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Allies Under Attack/ Online

How do I know my alliance members are not under attack, or were just attacked...? How do I know which of my alliance members are online, and not online? How do I know...sorry to ask these questions...I believe it is very important to figure these out as it would aide greatly.

17.10.2010, 03:33

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Sending a message to all members of your guild

Zitat von »Gama« This feature, and also the Guild Board will be released as soon as possible on Hel glad to hear it.

13.10.2010, 21:36

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Questions on the game?

I did, thank you.

13.10.2010, 21:14

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Questions on the game?

My little brother sees that I am playing this game, and wants an account but we only have one there going to be another american server so he can play that one? how can I make it so my little brother can play, and so I can play also?

13.10.2010, 17:41

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Questions on the game?

I cannot say their name since the chances of retalliation from them is high.

13.10.2010, 17:16

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Questions on the game? has some players like that. I made a roman account on it.

13.10.2010, 16:39

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Questions on the game?

Read my below post please.

11.10.2010, 17:18

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

What are the rules in the server?

Okay thank you. Was just making sure I don't attack the same player too many times and get banned.

11.10.2010, 16:55

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

What are the rules in the server?

The rules for the many times your allowed to attack a player in one day... Or how many accounts you can have in one server. Those kind of things...?Or there are no rules like that? Sorry I am curious, I like this game a lot, and do not want to get banned.

11.10.2010, 01:51

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Connection Lost : Reload

I this is my 4th day on escaria or 3rd heh. Really fun game here. Join an alliance, you'll like it. I run an alliance, and it's interesting, the server just started a week or 2 ago but its perfect. Games like these people will join it, and soon enough you won't know what to do with all the you'll do what I'll do...starting pillaging everyone hehe.. Graphics are great, love the game, they'll be advertising in America soon enough, so this server will fill up in the meantime...just gro...

10.10.2010, 20:12

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Need help deleteing account.

Hehe, I understand, I'm a developer myself, I can understand the problems that occur from massive browser games.

10.10.2010, 19:42

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Need help deleteing account.

I understand, thank you.. This is such a great game, too bad not many Americans know about it, this Hel server would be full....I think they need to spend more money on American Advertising. I spend tons of money on these types of games do many other people.

10.10.2010, 03:09

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

Need help deleteing account.

I made more than one account, since I did not receive activation e-mail for my server. I was wondering if someone can delete those accounts, except for the one I activated with the activation e-mail...?

09.10.2010, 21:46

Forenbeitrag von: »Lagron«

What are the rules in the server?

I am not sure what the rules in the game are, or where to find them, if anyone can help me?