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  • »Koa« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 1

Danksagungen: 17

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10.10.2010, 21:08

Connection Lost : Reload


I regularly get the message that my connection has been lost and that I need to reload... any ideas why this happens? My internet connection stays up, its not that I am loosing contact with the internet, at least not as far as I can tell. I am on the Hel server.

Is the Hel server growing nicely? I am wondering if I should also play on one of the other servers? This game seems great, but I am concerned about a low level of interaction with other players, I want to interact with other playes and not just feel like I'm playing a game by myself... whats the best way to do this?

Also I am just amazed at this game and the graphics and everything, I am amazed that it can have this level of detail and graphics and animations and still run without any plugins or add ons... can you tell me what langauge/s this game is programmed in?

Love the game so far! I messed up and will now have to wait until tomorrow to continue doing what I am supposed to on the tutorial. So far the amount of time it takes to do things though is just perfect!

Thank you! - Koa on Hel

Great site ->

Es haben sich bereits 17 Gäste bedankt.



Beiträge: 29

Wohnort: On An Island

Beruf: College Student

Danksagungen: 47

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11.10.2010, 01:51

I this is my 4th day on escaria or 3rd heh.

Really fun game here. Join an alliance, you'll like it.

I run an alliance, and it's interesting, the server just started a week or 2 ago but its perfect.

Games like these people will join it, and soon enough you won't know what to do with all the you'll do what I'll do...starting pillaging everyone hehe..

Graphics are great, love the game, they'll be advertising in America soon enough, so this server will fill up in the meantime...just grow your account, you'll be better and stronger then the others that join later on.

If you're town is lvl 5 message me, you can join my alliance. Only lvl 5+ are allowed in.

Es haben sich bereits 2 Gäste bedankt.

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