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  • »buiatti« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 50

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14.10.2010, 00:13

Join forces for an attack?

I was wondering if it is possible to join forces with another person in my guild, so we can send our attack forces over a common enemy.

Like, we send our troops in a way that they will get at the enemy about the same time, would that allow us to win if our forces together are stronger than the enemy, but alone we have less resources?

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Anon y mous


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14.10.2010, 01:07

Defenders already have a disadvantage so this feature wasn't implemented. You should be able to defeat anyone that plays as good as you with two attacks on their own.
Niflheim auf Asgard, das Original, egal wie sehr Consus im Forum gerne ich wäre. :D

- Escaria, wo Preiserhöhungen nun auch schon Bugs sind.

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  • »buiatti« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 50

Danksagungen: 494

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17.10.2010, 04:41

I have an additional question about this one now.

At the moment, I can manage 2 fleets of 90 ships each. I know my enemy have a big army, because I had a failed attack over him once, and his defenses destroyed my attack. And if I can't join forces, I will never break his defenses, at least not at the level we are right now.

If I send the 2 fleets of 90 ships almost at the same moment. Will they count as one attacking fleet over my enemy, or will it be counted as 2?

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17.10.2010, 06:32

Every fleet will always count as one attack. No matter when they reach or when/if other troops reach the same destination or/and at the same time :)

Only one thing:
When you (and/or somebody else) send two attacks which will reach destination at the same second you cant be absolutely sure, which of them will attack first, no matter which of them is sent first (this counts for every browsergame).
The reason for that is, that mostly there is a timestamp-column in databases which is saved and/or read in seconds.
So its kind of "random" which of this "attack-entrys" (which are sorted by time) are considered first (surely, this depends on how attacks are saved in the database and how the script reads this informations).

Please correct me, if Im wrong.
Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
Hoban Washburne

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