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  • »pxritel« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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15.12.2010, 17:24

About Release on Hel 15.12.2010

What changes for chance of looting island title with IB? What criteries for target?

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15.12.2010, 18:05

The exact changes for looting ITs knows nobody, and the developer dont give away the new chances.
But I can say you, that it is now easier then before to loot ITs.
Ich zerstöre die Welt und erschaffe eine neue friedlichere Welt.

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22.01.2011, 15:53

why dont you make it so everyone has island breakers...lmao...or give away more free tiles...they are the most ridiculous units there are in this game, or they need to be a lot more restricted in how they can take tiles..if you want to kill off lesser islands why dont you program a sunami to take em all out...lmao...

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22.01.2011, 18:08

why dont you make it so everyone has island breakers...lmao...or give away more free tiles...they are the most ridiculous units there are in this game, or they need to be a lot more restricted in how they can take tiles..if you want to kill off lesser islands why dont you program a sunami to take em all out...lmao...

That is why you need to fortify your island. The only defense against Island Breakers.

Es hat sich bereits 1 Gast bedankt.

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