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  • »Gama« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 2 061

Wohnort: Wien

Danksagungen: 5754

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13.09.2010, 14:58

Escaria FAQ


this is an user generated FAQ (special thanks to Carpe_Lupus one of our moderators in the german part of this board)
The most important questions are listed and answered here.

You will find following topics inside here:

  1. Island sources
  2. Buildings&Build
  3. Resources
  4. Guild
  5. Fight&Loot
  6. Units
  7. Trading

If you have some change requests or ideas of improvements, just let me know.

Kind regards
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  • »Gama« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 2 061

Wohnort: Wien

Danksagungen: 5754

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13.09.2010, 15:00

Island sources

I am not able to enlarge my island anymore, why?
You need island tiles to enlarge your island. If you click on a watertile bordering at your island, you can see if you have island tiles left. The opening ring menu shows you, your avaiable islandtiles. In addition you need enough builders to enlarge you island wirh a new island tile.
You have one builder for each level of your main building.

Where do i get new island tiles?
To get new island tiles you have to move to an island source.

Why are there numbers beside the island sources on the worldmap?
These numbers show you, which level of you main building is essential to get new island tiles there. You just will get island tiles there, if you have the right main building level. There also fee island sources, where you will get island tiles with every level of your main building.

How many times are the island sources dumping tiles?
In general these sources are dropping island tiles twice a day. You have to be in the radius of the island source to get an island tile. The island sources always drop one lowland tile and one mountain tile.

At which time i do get island tiles?
This time is different on every world at Escaria.
Important: Times can diversify up to +/- 15 minutes.

How many tiles can i have in stock?
There is a maximum of 10 lowland tiles and 10 mountain tiles in your warehouse. Just island breakers are able to steal your tiles from your warehouse.

What happens to island tiles after break them off?
These tiles are going in your warehouse, an can be build on another place.
Important: Keep your eye on the maximum place of maximum tiles in your warehouse!

Will the tile get refunded, if i abort the construction?
Yes these tiles will go back to your warehouse.

How can i steal island tiles from other players?
Therefor you need island breakers. These ships are avaibable with level 19 on your main building and one shipyard Level 19.
Also you have to win the sea battle and land battle, to steal island tiles.
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Es haben sich bereits 135 Gäste bedankt.



  • »Gama« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 2 061

Wohnort: Wien

Danksagungen: 5754

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14.09.2010, 13:43

Buildings & Construction

Why is my radius not growing anymore?
If you reach level 4 with your mainbuildung you will need a village center to enlarge your area of influence.
Each village center has a mximum of 4 levels.

I cannot build another village centre or upgrade my main building!
You have to upgrade your main building for every village center. Also there is just one village center for every upgrade on your main building possible.

Does a harbour also working in a lake?
No, a harbour will be useless, if there is no connection to the sea. Other harbours or shipyards will not cut the connections to the sea.
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  • »Gama« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 2 061

Wohnort: Wien

Danksagungen: 5754

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14.09.2010, 13:45


Is it possible, that more than one lumberjack uses a forest?
Yes any number of lumberjacks can use the same forest. With fishers and water tiles, iron collieries and iron mines, stone masons and stone quarries, corn fields and farms

Does a harbour influences the fisher?
No, harbours and shipyards do not influence the fishers.

Are resources secure if somebody attacks me?
Every warehouse has a maximum hiding capacity of 500 units per resource. This hiding capacity depends on the level of the warehouse.

(Level 1 100 hiding capacity)
(Level 2 200 hiding capacity)
(Level 3 300 hiding capacity)
(Level 4 400 hiding capacity)
(Level 5 500 hiding capacity)
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Es haben sich bereits 134 Gäste bedankt.



  • »Gama« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 2 061

Wohnort: Wien

Danksagungen: 5754

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14.09.2010, 13:48


What is the maximum number of players in a guild?
Each guild can have a maximum of 50 players.

I cannot found a guild why?
Please take care, that there are no special characters or spaces in the guild name.
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Es haben sich bereits 134 Gäste bedankt.



  • »Gama« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 2 061

Wohnort: Wien

Danksagungen: 5754

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14.09.2010, 13:50

Fight & Loot
Computer says noooooo

Es haben sich bereits 135 Gäste bedankt.



  • »Gama« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 2 061

Wohnort: Wien

Danksagungen: 5754

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14.09.2010, 13:50

Computer says noooooo

Es haben sich bereits 136 Gäste bedankt.



  • »Gama« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 2 061

Wohnort: Wien

Danksagungen: 5754

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14.09.2010, 13:51


I drew up a new trading offer, where are my resources now?
Your resources are now on your trading ships waiting for another player to accept your offer.

Are this resources secure against attackers?
No, trading offers also can be looted. First he will loot your warehouses, and then your trading offers.

Computer says noooooo

Es haben sich bereits 133 Gäste bedankt.

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